Jimmy Longacre

When the sun came out last Friday, and the temperature was headed for the eighties, I headed out to the creek to look for painting subjects.  I was hoping maybe to find a dramatic stand of sycamore and boulders on the bank of the clear green water, and I did.  But this humble subject caught my eye when I got there, and I couldn't forget how striking it looked.  So, this is the subject I selected to paint.  Interpreting this scene was fun from beginning to end, and a good lesson, too.  Striking beauty is not limited to only the big dramatic subject matter.  If our eyes are open to the patterns of light and dark, when we're out, we find things that we would never have conceived if we remain in the studio.


©Jimmy Longacre 2014

9x12 oil on canvas panel


Jimmy Longacre

subjective realist landscape paintings



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